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Parental permission is essential
By law, Mt. Helix Academy cannot administer any medication, including prescription medication and “over the counter” medication, to a student without written parental permission. Permission forms for this purpose are available in the school’s administrative office and by clicking for the PDF: TIEE Medication Administration

The only “over the counter” medication Mt. Helix Academy will administer is acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol), and only if the school has signed parent permission.

Prescription medication at school
Prescription medication will be administered only if the school has parental permission and instructions for administration that are signed by the child’s physician, who must be licensed in California. Any change in the prescription or the administration schedule will be made only if the school has signed permission and instructions from the physician. The medication will be kept by the school in a secure location and Mt. Helix Academy will accept for administration only those medications that are in pill or capsule form and are in the original physician or pharmacy container.

I really love my new school! Thank you mommy for picking the best school for me. Mt. Helix Academy student
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