Skills required to become a PTG officer: Strong desire to support your child’s school!
2023-2024 PTG Officers
Anthony Aranico, President
Minlei Wang, Treasurer
Rania Smith, Secretary
Nicole Parker, Homeroom Parent Coordinator
Ashley Taylor-Communications Coordinator
Any parent or guardian of a child enrolled at Mt. Helix Academy is considered a PTG member and is eligible to run for any of the positions below:
The President (currently Anthony Aranico) presides over all general and special meetings of the PTG and all meetings of the board; establishes the agenda for the meetings and posts the agenda to the website prior to the meeting; shall be the official representative of the PTG; shall act as a liaison between administration and the PTG and be responsible for communicating information and recommendations to the administration; coordinate the work of the officers and committees.
The Secretary (currently Rania Smith) keeps minutes of the board, general, and special meetings; has minutes proofread by the Director and posts them to the website following the meetings; is prepared to refer to the minutes of the previous meetings; maintains a current roster of the members of the PTG; assists the president and other committee members with correspondence such as flyers for upcoming events
The Treasurer (currently, Minlei Wang) keeps permanent books of accounts and records of fund raising, receipts, expenditures, and disbursement of funds of the PTG; produces a monthly statement and balance sheet at each monthly meeting that categorizes income and disbursements; receives all the monies for the PTG and deposits monies in a timely manner; pays all bills as approved by the board; makes an annual financial report at the end or the elected term.
Communications Coordinator
The Communications Coordinator (currently, Ashley Taylor) works with the Director of Mt. Helix Academy to promote Mt. Helix Academy’s positive educational environment; works with the TIEE website coordinator to maintain PTG News section of the Mt. Helix Academy website; provides updates for monthly communication newsletter (i.e., Constant Contact) including student achievements, upcoming events, and any other items of interest; maintains the “PTG News” bulletin board on campus.
Homeroom Parent Coordinator
The Homeroom Parent Coordinator (currently, Nicole Parker) gathers information for each homeroom parent at the beginning of the year to include a class list with phone numbers, and major school events; contacts homeroom parents at the beginning of the year to set up an organizational and informational meeting to go over notebooks and duties; recruits homeroom parents for any class that may not have a homeroom parent; attends PTG meetings and relays information pertinent to homeroom parents; works with committee chairpersons to staff activities and recruit volunteers (e.g., Halloween Carnival, Bingo Night).