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Our students really love to read.

More than high test scores
Mt. Helix Academy is a high achieving school. For many, “high achieving” implies high standards for academic performance and correspondingly high scores on standardized tests, the “high stakes” tests we so often hear about in the media. For us, high test scores are just one way to characterize Mt. Helix Academy as a high achieving school. True, our students do really well on standardized tests, but they achieve much more during their time at Mt. Helix Academy, and it is those other achievements that are both much harder to objectify and, yet, often much more significant to their lives.

Love for learning is a marvelous achievement
Primary among the achievements of our students is a love for learning. We see this every day in the lessons we teach. There is an eagerness of involvement, an excitement to know. One of our parents asked, “Are these real children here?” Quote-achievement-landingHe claimed he’d never seen a school in which the students in class after class, from Kindergarten through 8th grade, were so focused and so obviously enjoying themselves. And then he added, “You know, even the teachers look happy!”

Seven goals for all of our students
Academic achievement and eagerness to engage in learning opportunities are two important goals for our students. We have five others. Similar to “love for learning,” they are difficult to objectify, but we care about them no less because of it, and we strive to develop measures, which we report on annually.

1. Students will acquire skills necessary to be liked by teachers and other authority figures.
2. Students will acquire skills necessary to develop long-term, mutually beneficial, and pro-social relationships.
3. Students will acquire effective self-management skills.
4. Students will acquire and participate in a variety of leisure skills.
5. Students will acquire and perform behaviors that are beneficial to others.

I really love my new school! Thank you mommy for picking the best school for me. Mt. Helix Academy student
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