Jog-a-thon 2015 • Fit-4-Life

February 27th, 2015 by admin

Mt. Helix Academy kids showing that being fit and having fun can go together

Mt. Helix Academy kids showing that being fit and having fun can go together

Jog-A-Thon 2015, Fit-4-Life, held at Mt. Helix Academy on February 26, was a huge fund-raising event that combined fitness, fun, and family. Many parents and other volunteers collaborated to make the event truly special.

Students and teachers participated in a 40-minute run that tested their speed and endurance.

Jog-a-thons have been great opportunities for the continued teaching about the importance of healthy bodies and healthy minds that we emphasize at Mt. Helix Academy.

Jog-a-thons are significant fundraisers for the school’s Parent-Teacher Group. Funds raised support the acquisition of classroom and playground equipment, computers, robots, and other items that permit Mt. Helix Academy students to receive the best education possible.